Detective Conan the Culprit Hanzawa Ending Explained: Does Hanzawa Accomplish His Murder Plan?

Detective Conan The Culprit Hanzawa Ending

Detective Conan The Culprit Hanzawa is a spin-off anime of the original manga Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama and stars the black-silhouetted criminal that appears in the main series to represent the mystery culprits. It follows the story of the silhouetted criminal-to-be and his adventurous life in Beika Town. The spin-off anime is available to stream on Netflix.

Plot Summary

Hanzawa, the black silhouetted man who is trying to kill a mysterious man comes to Beika Town, in Tokyo. The town is known for its notorious criminal records and constant attacks. As an aspiring criminal-to-be, Hanzawa admires the town and eagerly looks upon everything. Hanzawa considers Beika as an ideal location to murder his target and thinks of himself as a sharp criminal.

Hanzawa looks for a place to stay in this new town. However, he finds it hard to find a normal place to stay. Every house he goes to look at is a prior murder spot. After hearing a kid’s words, Hanzawa decides to choose a shared house. He finds himself to be among a group of cool party youngsters.

He registers his residency and changes his license address. He then decides to find a job. However, when he is walking alone at night, he gets scammed by a shop lady and loses all his savings in the account.

This puts him in urgent need of money, as he doesn’t even have the cash to pay his rent. In such a state of hopelessness, he meets Hiroshi Agasa, an old man who offers to give him a huge amount of cash in order to do an experiment and Hanzawa accepts it.

Hanzawa wakes up in his room after three months of coma. He finds a large sum of money in his pocket and pays the rent. He then decides to find a legal and well-paid part-time job so that he gets enough time to plan the murder of the mysterious man. He gets a job and finds his manager dead on the first day of work. He finds out that all his co-workers are detectives who secretly save the town.

He becomes friends with the detectives and ends up doing all the work single-handedly. After getting the job, Hanzawa’s financial state stabilizes. But he is either working or partying. As a result, Hanzawa doesn’t get enough time to plot the murder.

After being inspired by a detective’s pet hawk, who does all the work in his stead, Hanzawa decides to buy a pet for himself. He decides to buy a ferocious dog who could even help him in the murder. But a cute Pomeranian captures his heart. However, the lack of money makes it hard for him to buy one. 

Once again Hanzawa goes to buy pet food for the Hawk. He sees the weird old man, Hiroshi Agasa who does experiments in the pet shop. Fearing that the old man will buy the cute pomeranian for his weird experiments, Hanzawa jumps to the forefront and saves the pomeranian baby by borrowing money from his co-worker.

Hanzawa finds out that he is not familiar with the trends of the Tokyo people. Embarrassed by the housemates’ comments, he goes to buy new clothes but is unable to choose the perfect trendy clothes for him.

He ends up buying a black cloth despite hearing the rumors about the curse. Just like the rumored curse, Hanzawa gets hunted by the detectives, and he ends up getting dressed in his old countryside dress.

How does Hanzawa save his mother?

Hanzawa’s mother comes to visit him from the countryside. She is a naive lady, who doesn’t know about the criminal nature of the town. She visits his workplace and his housemates.

The people in Beika Town find her accent funny and make fun of her. Hanzawa is embarrassed by their behavior and asks her out of the house. She goes to the hired room and asks Hanzawa to accompany her on a tour across the city. 

The next day, Hanzawa is terrified to know that the tower his mother was supposed to visit was hijacked by terrorists and is being fired.

Worried about his mother, Hanzawa rushes to the tower but finds her eating cotton candy because she can’t get on the tower. He then takes his mother on a tour of another building. and sends her back home.

How does Hanzawa meet his victim?

Hanzawa is irritated by the fact that he is not able to keep track of his victim and his whereabouts. He then decides to hire a detective to find his victim. But when he finds out that the detective is a litterer, he decides to attack him. But he is stopped by his daughter, who is exceptionally powerful.

As he wanders through the busy town disappointed, he meets gaze with his mysterious victim, a boy. He follows him and ends up joining a volunteer team. He later finds out that the team is a fan base of Mr. Kid, who is loved by all for being a protector of the land.

Does Hanzawa manage to hunt down his victim?

While doing a show for the public, Hanzawa interrupts and tries to kill the victim by breaking the hard glass. However, he fails as Mr. Kid (Detective Conan) flies away after doing magic and breaking the glass instantly. Later, he understands that the kid is a doppelganger of the real victim, who looks just like that kid. And Hanzawa vows to find him and finish his plan soon.

Also Read: Detective Conan the Culprit Hanzawa Review:  A lovely spoof of the original


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