A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics Anime follows the story of Sosuke Kaburaya, a detective, who encounters Sara Da Odin, a princess with magical abilities, and Livia Do Udis, a female knight from another world, as they navigate life in Japan. Alongside a colorful cast of eccentric characters, they embark on adventures filled with magic, mystery, and humor.
This anime is based on the light novel series “A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics,” written by Yomi Hirasaka and illustrated by Kantoku. It’s brought to life through animation by Studio Comet and SynergySP. Set in Gifu, the hometown of author Hirasaka.
Release Date
The anime adaptation of “A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics” is scheduled for release on April 4, 2024.
Where to Watch
You can now stream the anime television series adaptation of “A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics” on Crunchyroll.
Characters and Voice actors
- Hinaki Yano as Sara da Odin
- M.A.O as Livia do Udis
- Makoto Furukawa as Sōsuke Kaburaya
- Akane Fujita as Noa Minakami
- Kōsuke Toriumi as Suzuki
- Manami Numakura as Brenda Aisaki
- Mizuki Mano as Haruka Neya
- Shinnosuke Tachibana as Takeo
- Yō Taichi as Priketsu
- Yōji Ueda as Isao Kusanagi
- Yūki Takada as Yuna Naganawa
What is this anime about?
Follow the adventures of Sōsuke Kaburaya, a struggling detective, whose chance encounter with Sara Da Odin, a magical princess from another realm, leads to an unexpected cohabitation. As Sara swiftly adapts to modern-day Japan, a female knight named Livia Do Udis also finds herself in this world, embracing the life of a homeless individual with surprising gusto.
Alongside these spirited women, delve into the lives of other eccentric figures, including a tough-talking lawyer, a devout religious leader, and a cunning divorce agent. Join them on a journey filled with humor, heart, and unexpected twists in “A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics.”
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